Better Dejavu

I dislike taking credit for what isn’t mine, but what happened last weekend deserved a limelight I can’t afford not to write.

Oh, not that 2-day kursus kahwin I was forced to go, no no. That was never a consideration for public record. *erase from memory*

Instead, something better happened. Wayyyyyyy better.

UM won the Royal Debate 2017 edition!


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We won it in 2015 and this is our back-to back winning. (Royal was not held in 2016 btw).

I said it was a dejavu because in the last edition we met UiTM in the final stage and this year, history repeats. Only in a better version.

Why better? Here’s why. In this ed, the team led by Desh was an unbeaten champ. They had a straight record of winning throughout the tournament. The last thing we had this unbeaten thingy was back then in 2012, when Ajai led his team in Perpaduan 2012. Not only that, Desh was the Finale BS! (Debate for Dummies: BS is Best Speaker, not Bullshit). UM English Debate team was also the champ for Royal this year. #UMSapuBersih #hehehe

Hats off and many many many thank you for the juniors; Desh, Shasha, Idil and Nanad, Azri the coach…and my silly fiancee who lied to me saying he got urgent meeting padahal pergi training on our date nights (but that’s for later to deal with), for keeping safe our piala. Good luck in enduring the aku-menang-Royal withdrawal syndromes babies.

Would love to hear from you!