
Assalamualaikum and blog ini tidak memerlukan sebarang tagline. Terima kasih.
So, I have lotsa stories to be told but then the mingglish minggle I don’t know what term I’m using now wwwweeks have been really crazy, then I don’t have much time to update this blog. Kemudian selalu buat sesi emo fangel kat Twitter with Syapiq Subri, mentioning how we miss blogging but time has been green-eyed towards both of us.
*Lame intro, Kia selalu buat ini. Maaf maaf*
So here now.
Yesterday I went to KLCC for a late lunch with my buddies from UTeM and Al-Azhar.
Haruslah keluar berjimba di hujung minggu, makanan di cafe bukan ada pon!
So, what I’m telling you now, off my buddies requests, I’m going to blabber about both of them in my blog.
Both of them yang I maksudkan ni, Acap and Wantol.
Basically the super cool homo sapiens I’d ever known.

Caution : new hobby is too Doodle!

“Kalau aku raja poyo, kaulah permaisurinya” quoted by Acap to…Ummu
His real name is Ashraf Ibn Zulkifli. *Hew hew main teka je*
Typical Malaysian, glamor nickname for every person named Ashraf in Malaysia is Acap.
*Double hew hewww*
I knew Acap since Form 4.
He’s kelas bawah, I kelas atas.
No I mean, his class that time tuh located at the lower level compared to mine kena panjat extra tangga.
Sebab tu I tinggi dari acap *triple hew hewww*
Being in Dinawari, Acap is one of the hot three *ahh sentap
Najmi, Syaqir, and and…sigh (terpaksa cakap) Acap.
These three were kind of, our maktab’s hotstuvv lah.
Jalan mendada.
Muka gangster.
Hakikat, I’d never talk to Acap throughout two years in MRSM PC.
But in PASUM, things evolved. Acap kenal sapaa gua, gua kenal sapaa Acap *haiyo tak boleh blah*
One of hundreds students in Physical stream, now Acap successfully graduated from PASUM and doing his engineering studies in UTeM!
Yeayers, may my buddy sorang ni keep on surviving there!
Amin (:


I diva, mana buat expression sentap. WANTOL.
Warga UTeM called him Suneo.
Tu latest info I tahu.
Because Wantol also mengaku he looks like a Korean whaaat!
*And Suneo bukan ke Japan? Hmm*
I don’t even have the idea how I could befriend Ahmad Syazwan at the first stake, he’s also a hotstuvv in PASUM.
Dia geng Meo,kot.
Alaaa, let’s face the facts, we’re teenagers of dreamland mania, Facebook ada.
Wantol is also one nice guy.
He belanja me makan tengah malam in PASUM.
Hew hew.
Tapi I kena belanja dia balik =.=”
For the sake of a friendship, will absolutely doing your commands, sir!
Yet, he’s also undergoing his first year there in UTeM with Acap.
I’m one lucky girl.
Photo credits for Ummu =)
Dah! Settle hutang blog post!

Would love to hear from you!