May I Recall the Past? Or Is It the Path??

I’ve a big dream, you know. I’m a human being, bigger than you thought, smaller than you wished I am.

So, this ‘you-take-yourself-with-the-flow‘ moment has been passed for almost half a year. All of us, I mean THE SAME ALL OF US, who made their first step in MRSM PC in February 08 and officially graduated from MRSM PC in October 09 has been approaching our OWN way, wondering how cynical and chronicle *betoi ka?* our lives could be.

I used to lighten up this big dream. It sounds- “Being a MRSM student, I should not be taking the same path *gomeng* students took. I should be a level higher, as the way I supposed to. So, I’m gonna study hard and make my dream to study abroad a reality one, and not a megaton cyst!” Huh! Hypocrisy!

Hah. That proves I’m a normal human being. Readily created with goo-goo dramatic dreams, not ready to face my paths curved by Him.

“No eyes can see Him, but He comprehends all vision. He is the Subtle, all Aware”. (Surah

al-An’am, 6:103)

Japan, its not a trade of my dream. What MARA offered me before is not that enough. I never meant to do engineering. Alhamdulillah, here in UM, I found what I meant to be *Ahh ye la sangat*

So, just in case you forgot, JUST IN CASE I FORGOT, they are those people leaving me soon, chasing their dreams as the way it supposed to.

~ Naily Zamri : Happy scholar of MARA, doing Electrical Engineering foundation in UTP.

~ Syakirah Azis : Chasing Ireland in KMB 🙂 At least, my gedikmate managed to fly to CORK someday.

~ Mariana Nabila : Leaving behind BNM’s, ahead for Medicine in KYUEM. Soon will be in UK.

~ Hana Reza : Matured enough to follow Syakirah’s footsteps. Yup KMB currently and Ireland soon!

~ Rifhan Aliah : MSU, doctor-to-be. I guess UK, right?

~ Syazwani Dan : Another big spouse of Nik Syakirah, KMB, Ireland releaser 🙂

~ Ummu Ammarah : In a month, flying to Middle East. Al-Azhar, wait for this gedik fella!

~Seha Shawal : A happy scholar of MARA too, in Intec and soon approaching Biotech Engine in USA

Small kids
*Sigh. There is a curious thing that happens with the passage of time; a calcification of time. I wish there was no judgement between us. Yet from those flames, no light, but darkness visible. Good dream catcher, be one.

Lucks, buds!

Would love to hear from you!